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The individual programs are offered as in-house programs and can be tailored as required. The qualifications, advice and coaching are offered in face-to-face and online mode.

Sensitization of perception processes

Our environment is becoming more dynamic, louder and more ambiguous. This makes it all the more important for individuals to gain awareness of their own impulses, to heighten their levels of perceptiveness and to utilise these perceptions in order to make necessary decisions.

In this compact program you will learn different techniques to help expand and practice your processes of perception.

The “Integral Listening” concept focusses on the sensitization of both our inward and outward processes of perception as the basis for successful communication, approaching the world and entering into relationships. Founded and developed by Sabine Pelzmann and Nina Koren, the "Integral Listening” method is based on seven dimensions of perception, along with the integrative understanding of the "body in constant becoming" (Petzold 1992). "Integral Listening" defines the physical, multidimensional, attentive and non-judgmental perception of the present moment as a means to access one’s deeper self-awareness and intuition, enabling the development of resonant relationships and the initiation of change processes as the "building blocks of creative action" (Halprin). “Integral Listening” also introduces the concept of Presencing, as described by Claus Otto Scharmer: a process for inspiring innovation, which is presented and explored from a body-oriented perspective.

The program references elements of the Informed Body concept from Integrative Therapy, Anna Halprin's Life Art Process, Ken Wilber's Integral Perspective, Arnold Mindell's Process-Oriented Psychotherapy, system-theoretical insights and Claus Otto Scharmer’s Theory U, in addition to contemporary studies on perception and resonance.

Duration: 3 times 2 days
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Leadership and Meaning

The question of the meaning of life and the meaning of our management work is posed to each and every one of us sooner or later. A changed inner attitude, compassion for ourselves and others, and confrontation with our dark sides support us in following the path to conscious living and conscious management.

In this compact learning and training program, we will confront ourselves through the form of reflections and contemplative exercises and trace our own responses with poems by Rumi, Rainer Maria Rilke, Hilde Domin and Ingeborg Bachmann.

The basis of this program is formed by the concepts of the informed body from integrative counseling, approaches from transpersonal psychology, nature-based vision quests (Bill Plotkin), Ken Wilber’s integral perspective, and Arnold Mindell’s process-oriented psychotherapy.

Duration: 2 times 2 days
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„How We Can Reorientate Ourselves and Find Our “Ecological” Niche”

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver, “The Summer Day,” from New and Selected Poems (Boston: Beacon Press, 1992)

At the start of every change there is unease and longing. We “become pregnant” something new in ourselves—we feel it acutely—we feel it and can hardly bear that the new hasn’t shown in our life yet. We feel that the life we have lived until now has grown too cramped for us and somehow doesn’t seem to fit anymore.

The question concerning the next is waiting.

This learning process will support you in setting out on the path, in continuing to follow your heart’s path. Because that which we bring into the world is at first a feeling, a thought, an intuition.

“Integral listening” is targeted towards people of different ages and different professional backgrounds to support them in their inner development and finding their “ecological niche” in order to become aware of their responsibility for themselves and the world at large.

In this compact learning and reflection program, you will confront your desires, your questions about your place in the world, and your next steps.

The basis of this program is therefore the concepts of the informed body from integrative therapy, nature-based visions quests (Bill Plotkin), Anna Halprin’s life art process from Anna Halprin, Ken Wilbur’s integral perspective, Arnold Mindell’s process-oriented psychotherapy, the theory U, current studies on perception and resonance, and analysis of selected poems.

Duration: 3 1-day sessions or 10 individual coaching sessions of 1.5 hours
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